Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood disorders in the US. It is estimated that 8-10% of school aged children are diagnosed with ADHD. Subtypes of ADHD include hyperactive-impulsive, inattentive and combined type. Symptoms associated with a diagnosis of ADHD can include: inattentiveness, impulsivity and hyperactivity that are excessive for developmental age, and impairment of academic, social and occupational activities. Hyperactive behavior is characterized as being always “on the go”, frequently restless, constantly getting out of seat, excessive talking and difficulty sustaining focus on the activity presented.
ADHD Treatment in Miami, FL
After receiving an ADHD diagnosis, the next step is finding a way to improve your and your child’s quality of life. We understand that every child with an ADHD diagnosis should be treated uniquely. Our ADHD treatment services in Miami, FL, offer specialized solutions to help you or a loved one improve their quality of life.
At Blooming Behavioral Health we provide top-quality, individualized treatment plans to address the challenges associated with ADHD and other related disorders. The treatment approach utilized is known as ABA (applied behavior analysis) therapy. Applied behavior analysis applies the principles of learning theory in a systematic approach to modifying behaviors. The overall goal of ABA therapy is to increase adaptive skills and replacement behaviors while focusing on interventions to diminish maladaptive behaviors. The systematic approach to treatment planning includes identifying how behavior works, how behavior is affected by the environment and how learning takes place. Considering these elements is crucial to developing a treatment plan aimed at modifying behavior. Treatment focuses on increasing language abilities, developing communication skills, improving attention, fostering social skills and decreasing problem behaviors.
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